Cover Reveal: Stian’s Mistake


Releasing February 18!

Special thanks to Najla Qamber, for another (ahem) beautiful cover!

If you’ve been following the series, this novella will answer a few of your questions about Stian and Zarea, and just how their relationship became so strained.

The story takes place in the months before Stian finds Asphodel – before he has even accepted the mission that forces him to find the Starbright maiden or die trying.
If you haven’t picked up the series yet, this is a great place to start! Chronologically, this is the first book of the series. There is enough background that you won’t be lost, but enough mystery that I hope you’ll want to continue the series!

Chronological Order Reading List:

Stian’s Mistake: summer, 2184 (Stian’s point of view)
Justice Buried: spring, 2185 (Astrea’s point of view)
Lexan’s Pledge: spring, 2185 (Lexan’s point of view)
Balance Broken: summer 2185 (Astrea’s point of view)

Publication Order Reading List:

Justice Buried: published January, 2014
Lexan’s Pledge: published March, 2014
Balance Broken: published October, 2014
Stian’s Mistake: published February, 2015

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