OfTomes Publishing Acquires the Starbright Series

Hilarygiveaways, New Release, OfTomes Publishing, YA Authors

Well, stargazers, I kept my sights in the stars.

And one shot by close enough for me to grasp it – now I’m holding its tail to see how far we will go!

OfTomes Publishing

Okay, metaphors aside, this is BIG NEWS! My Starbright series (all six titles) has been signed with OfTomes Publishing, headed by the wonderful Benjaminoftomes, the UK-based book vlogger.

You might have seen a few of his Youtube videos or Instagram pictures lately, seeing as I’ve been joyfully sharing his enthusiasm for my writing with you.

If you look online, though, you’ll find that the series is currently not for sale. Astrea and the gang are getting primped for their big debut as official OfTomes elementals – but please don’t worry! Nothing in the story or gorgeous covers will change.

The paperbacks will be slightly smaller, and the press coverage will be slightly larger! 😉

So if you haven’t yet begun the series, you’ll just have to wait, but not for too awfully long.


Yes, the new release is only eight weeks away – a mere whisper of time in the book world. But the wait will be worth it, we promise.

Stay tuned here and on your favorite social media for Benjaminoftomes and myself, listed below. We’ll be celebrating big-time!


BenjaminoftomesOfTomes PublishingHilary Thompson, Author Page


Benjaminoftomes, OfTomes Publishing, Hilary Thompson




Now, go grab some stars for yourself!

Cover Collage